


Our researchers conduct experiments on the following equipment:

Optical microscopy

Digital optical 3D microscope Hirox KH-7700 (HIROX, Japan)

Scaning probe microscopy

Atomic force microscope Ntegra Prima (NT-MDT BV, Netherlands)

Sample preparation

Cryo ultramicrotome Leica EM Ultracut7 (Leica, Austria)
Spincoater WS-400BZ-6NPP/A1/AR1 (Laurell, UK)
Vacuum thermochamber ТИРСА-РС (Актан Вакуум, Russia)

Properties of thin films

Spectral ellipsometric complex ELLIPS-1891 SAG (Russia)

Mechanical testing

Universal testing machine Testometric FS100 CT (Testometric, UK)
Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer DMA/SDTA861e (METTLER TOLEDO, Switzerland)
Biaxial testing machine Zwick (Zwick/Roell, Germany)

Digital optical 3D microscope Hirox KH-7700 (HIROX, Japan)

Obtaining digital images of micro-objects and measurements in 3D.

  • 3D measurements of object’s surface.
  • Optical zoom up to 7000x.
  • Synthesis and comparison of images.
  • Video recording (30 fps).
  • 3D-view (360°) with adjustable viewing angle from 25° to 55°.
  • Measurements at variable angles of illumination, with differential interference contrast, dark and bright field, polarized light.
  • 3D-reconstruction of deep features of the surface using multifocus capabilities.

Atomic force microscope Ntegra Prima (NT-MDT BV, Netherlands)

The study of material surfaces at the micro- nano-scale.

  • Scan area: up to 100х100 microns.
  • Max resolution in xy plane: ~1…10 nm (depends on the probes).
  • Max vertical resolution (z): < 0.1 nm.
  • Measurements in dry room conditions.
  • Nanolithography.
  • Scanning tunelling microscopy.
  • Mapping of electrical conductivity.
  • Nanomechanical mapping.

Cryo ultramicrotome Leica EM Ultra Cut 7 (Leica, Austria)

Obtaining ultrathin sections and fine flat surfaces. Preparation of sections for transmission electron microscopy (located in Perm University).
Convenient to prepare the surface for the probe / electronic / spectroscopic analysis of the surface (filled) polymers, biological tissues, including hard materials like metals and bones.

  • Equipped with cryo-chamber Leica FC7.
  • Minimal section thickness ~ 10 nm.
  • Three regimes of low-temperature sectioning: normal, wet and dry cutting.
  • Equpped with glass or diamonds knifes.

Spincoater WS-400BZ-6NPP/A1/AR1 (Laurell, UK)

Deposition of thin films from solution onto a smooth surface by centrifugation.

  • Internal chamber size: 216 mm.
  • Diameter of the substrate: 150 mm.
  • Spinnig velocity: 100-8000 r/min.
  • Vacuum pad, pump and drainage tank.

Vacuum termochamber Тирса-РС (Актан Вакуум, Russia)

Drying in vacuum.

  • Thermocontroller: multistep heating up to 250C.
  • Max. vacuum < 0.002 Torr.

Spectral ellipsometric complex ELLIPS-1891 SAG (Russia)

The measurement of the spectral dependences of the optical parameters of the surface structures, determination of optical and structural properties of materials and thicknesses of thin-film layers.
The spectral range – 350…1100 nm.

Universal testing machine Testometric FS100 CT (Testometric, UK)

  • Maximal force – 100 kN.
  • Maximal dispacement – 1200 mm.
  • Velocity: 0.001 … 500 mm/min.
  • Additonal force sensors.

Dynanic modulus analyzer DMA/SDTA861e (METTLER TOLEDO, Switzerland)

Dynamic mechanical analysis of the materials (located in Perm Iniversity).

  • Length of the sample – 10.5 mm.
  • Frequency range of harmonic oscillations: 0.002 – 200 Hz.
  • Force amplitude range: 0.005 – 18 N.
  • Deformation amplitude range: up to 1600 microns.
  • Temperature range: -150°C – +500°C.

Biaxial testing machine Zwick (Zwick/Roell, Germany)

4-directional testing machine with mutually perpendicular axes in one plane load. Biaxial test specimens in tension and compression (located at Perm University).

  • Max loading ± 2 kN.
  • Total displacement of one axis – 800 mm.
  • Total velocity of one axis: 0.001 mm/min – 15000 mm/min.
  • Equipped with video extensometer videoXtens Array.

Last updated: 16-02-2021